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Malcolm Gomes, the lyricist and the voice behind the guided part of the meditations, has conducted over a thousand meditation sessions, helping countless people who suffer from insomnia, stress, anxiety, tension, hyperactivity, mood disorders, mood swings and depression.

If you think you have total control over your mind, try closing your eyes and quieten your mind (stop all thoughts completely) for just 30 seconds. Not so easy, is it? Meditation helps you gain control over your mind and therefore your thoughts. Since every emotion you feel, every word you spe
ak and every action you take, starts with a thought, once you gain control over your mind you'll automatically control every one of your thoughts and thereby you gain control over every emotion you feel, every word you speak and every action you take. Imagine how much more control you will have over your own life once you achieve control over your mind through the practice of meditation, the ancient art that helps you attain inner peace, joy and happiness to get the most out of life.

La méditation vous permet de maîtriser votre esprit et vos pensées. Comme les mots, les actes et les émotions prennent naissance dans les pensées, la méditation vous permettra de maîtriser vos mots, vos actes et vos émotions, de connaître la paix intérieure, la joie et le bonheur et de profiter pleinement de la vie.   Le programme de méditation Essential Guided Meditation est offert en 12 disques compacts, chacun vous guidant vers un volet différent de la méditation. La voix douce et apaisante de Malcolm est accompagnée d’une musique spécialement sélectionnée et agencée soigneusement avec des sons de la nature. Pour tirer tous les bienfaits de cet art ancien, il est fortement recommandé de pratiquer la méditation avec chacun des 12 CD au moins une fois par mois.

NEWSFLASH - Leading hospital and mental health centers in North America are now using "The Essential Guided Meditation Series" CDs to treat patients for stress, depression, anxiety, insomnia and other mental ailments with a very high degree of success!

TIME Magazine has devoted a whole issue to the subject of Meditation:

here for a Globe and Mail article on how kids and teens can benefit from meditation:

here for a Wall Street Journal Article on how clinical trials have proven the huge benefits of meditation.

Here is a link to a news report on how top corporate executives use meditation to help them optimize their performance on the job:

Here is a link to a news report on how doctors are using meditation to deal with the stress of their jobs and to heal themselves: 

A new U.S. Study conducted by Robert Coghill, at the Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center, in Winston, Salem, North Carolina, shows that just over an hour of meditation can dull the intensity of pain by 40%; a greater reduction than morphine and other drugs which, unlike meditation, may have side effects. Here is a quote from their study, "Meditation is so effective in blocking pain because it does not work at just one place in the brain, but instead, reduces pain at multiple levels of processing". Click here for more details:

More Physicians Referring Patients For Meditation, Other Alternative Treatments.
ABC World News (5/10, story 7, 2:50, Sawyer) reported, "There is a new report finding 40% of us now are turning to alternative treatments, especially meditation." ABC (Harris) added, "Meditation, once considered supremely flakey, is now being used by the MARINES, by corporate executives from General Mills to Target to Google, by students in classrooms all over America and now, according to this new study, by roughly three million patients on the recommendation of their doctors."
The Boston Globe "Daily Dose" blog reported, "A study published yesterday in the Archives of Internal Medicine found that some three percent of Americans, who responded to a government health survey, were practicing some sort of mind-body therapy as a result of a physician referral. 15 percent of respondents surveyed who said they initiated these therapies on their own.

Quotes from news reports on The Essential Guided Meditation Series:

"No one understands the power of meditation better than Gomes"
Click Toronto Star to read whole news report

"Gomes' program has been a lifeline for Oshawa resident Mary Davis."
Click Durham Region News to read the whole news report

Click here for a news report on how Meditation can make you look many years younger than your actual age and how it can add 10 to 20 years to your life.

You can view the 12 CDs and listen to a FREE preview of a segment of  all 12 Guided Meditation Sessions at the following link:


You can download any of the 12 meditation sessions it at the following sites:






To buy any of the guided meditation CDs please click on any of the following links:






The Essential Guided Meditation Program is available in 12 parts. Each part is available on one Compact Disc. Malcolm's mellow, soothing voice is accompanied by especially selected tones carefully mixed in with sounds of nature. This combination has proven to calm the mind and relax the whole body. Every CD in this program contains a powerful guided meditation session that will prove very beneficial even on its own. However, to get the most out of this ancient art, it is highly recommended that you invest in all 12 CDs and listen to each CD at least once every month.

The following is a gist of what each of the 12 CDs in this program offer:

·         Part 1 - Breathing Meditation
This meditation, guides you on using your breath to calm and center the mind and eliminate all thoughts that could detract from the meditation process. This could help you attain a highly focused mind state. You should find that your reaction time improves, your concentration is more focused, your comprehension is broadened, your creativity enhanced and your judgment is more measured. This could help you perform better not just at work but also in your social life.
Running Time - 31:19

·         Part 2 - Forgiveness Meditation
This meditation, helps you eliminate negative emotions like pent up anger, long standing hatred, tendency to harbor grudges, feelings of envy, things you have not forgiven yourself for, etc. It should help eliminate these from your consciousness and subconscious. These emotions tend to make you bitter and are formidable barriers to attaining true happiness and peace of mind. By eliminating them, you could lift a huge burden, enabling a more positive frame of mind to get more out of life. 
Running Time - 54:22

·         Part 3 - Labels Meditation
This meditation, helps you isolate labels that you use to define yourself; like what you do for a living, your designations and titles, the material content of your life, and the way people perceive you. You should learn to maintain an arms length relationship with these labels and realize that you are distinct and separate from these labels and so much more than what these labels portray you to be. It will help you understand why these labels, though part of your life, are not part of who you really are. You should get to know the real you, your true essence deep down inside. This should protect you from any negative emotions when your labels are lost, stolen, broken or otherwise, negatively impacted.
Running Time - 52:02

·         Part 4 - Gratitude Meditation
This meditation, helps you appreciate what you have and develop a habit of being grateful and therefore more appreciative of the material and non-material things in your life. It will help you to move your focus from what you do not have, to what you have, to help you quell the seemingly insatiable hunger for more and better material things and you could be spared disappointment if you do not get them.
Running Time - 37:07

·         Part 5 - Oneness Meditation
During this meditation, you should become aware that you are one with the Universe. It will help you alleviate loneliness, start enjoying your own company and experience the joy in making the world a better place. You should enjoy the satisfaction of helping others and start appreciating the best things in life, which are truly free. You should understand that your success in attaining inner peace and happiness is directly linked to the amount of peace and happiness you bring to those around you.
Running Time - 41:58

·         Part 6 - Chanting Meditation
This meditation, uses the power of chanting mantras, to help you link with the vibrations of the universe to release deep seated mental, physical and emotional tension and draw from it the energy, joy, peace and happiness that are essential to rejuvenate your soul and enjoy life to the fullest. This meditation should infuse you with boundless energy that could make your whole body tingle all over.
Running Time - 44:56

·         Part 7 - Meditation in Motion
This session, helps you apply the power of meditation while you are on the move or in motion; activities like walking, swimming, exercising, etc. You should not only enjoy these activities a lot more, but you could also derive much greater benefits from them. Ideal to listen to, while walking or jogging.
Running Time - 42:39

·         Part 8 - Mindfulness Meditation
This session, helps you to harness the power of meditation while performing everyday activities like eating, listening to music, gardening, etc.  The benefits here should include getting more nutrition from the food you eat, cutting down on food portions without missing them, boosting the sense of pleasure when listening to music; participate in sports, games and other recreation activities.
Running Time - 45:56

·         Part 9 - Journey Meditation
This meditation, helps make you aware that life is a journey and that you are just passing through. It helps make you less possessive and more generous. It should help you live in the moment, let go of the past and stop worrying about the future. It could help curb your tendency to buy on impulse or try to use shopping and binge eating & drinking to console yourself when you are feeling down.
Running Time - 46:27

·         Part 10 - Body Scan Meditation
This meditation, helps you draw energy from the life source and helps you direct this energy to every part of your body. The benefit is that you should feel the tension and stress draining out of your whole body; you could feel a holistic sense of rejuvenation and relaxation and have boundless energy the whole day through. 
Running Time - 40:44

·         Part 11 - Loving Kindness Meditation
This meditation, helps you focus on the power of love and how it could be used to help heal emotional scars, repair and enhance relationships. It could also help you analyze the various love relationships in your life and find out if it is true love; and if it is not, you could discover how to change it to true and enduring love.
Running Time - 51:42

·         Part 12 - Healing Meditation
This meditation, can be brought to bear on emotional illnesses like depression and how its regular practice could help cure you in a safe, non-chemical and inexpensive way with none of the side effects and addictive consequences of some conventional medication. This meditation should help boost the power of your immune system to allow it to work at its optimum level, to help you build resistance to diseases and illnesses. It will help you learn how to use your five senses to awaken your inner pharmacy to cure many ailments from within.
Running Time - 46:37

Volet 1 Méditation axée sur la respiration (Breathing Meditation)

)Cette forme de méditation vous guidera dans la maîtrise de la respiration pour calmer et recentrer votre esprit, et éliminer toutes les pensées qui pourraient venir troubler votre méditation. Cette technique vous aidera à atteindre un très haut degré de concentration. Vous verrez votre temps de réaction s’améliorer, votre concentration s’accroître, votre compréhension s’approfondir, votre créativité devenir plus fertile et votre jugement plus éclairé. La pratique de cette forme de méditation vous aidera non seulement à mieux fonctionner au travail, mais aussi à avoir une vie sociale plus épanouie.
Durée de fonctionnement : 31:19 min.

Volet 2 Méditation axée sur le pardon (Forgiveness Meditation) Cette forme de méditation vous aidera à éliminer les émotions négatives telles que la colère accumulée, la haine refoulée au fil des ans, la tendance à entretenir des rancunes, l’envie, des choses que vous n’êtes pas parvenu à vous pardonner, etc. Cette technique vous aidera à libérer votre conscience et votre inconscient de ces sentiments qui nourrissent votre amertume et constituent des obstacles redoutables à l’atteinte de la plénitude et de la paix d’esprit. En les évacuant, vous pourriez vous libérer d’un énorme fardeau, favorisant un meilleur état d’esprit qui vous permettra de profiter pleinement de la vie. 
Durée de fonctionnement : 54:22 min.

Volet 3 Méditation axée sur les étiquettes (Labels Meditation)
Cette forme de méditation vous aidera à vous libérer des étiquettes que vous employez pour vous définir : votre travail, vos titres et fonctions, le contenu matériel de votre vie et les façons dont les autres vous perçoivent. Vous apprendrez à vous détacher de ces étiquettes et prendrez conscience que vous êtes une personne à part entière et indépendante de ces étiquettes, et que vous valez bien plus que l’image qu’elles vous accolent. Vous comprendrez pourquoi ces étiquettes, même si elles font partie de votre vie, ne font pas partie de la personne que vous êtes réellement. Vous découvrirez votre moi, votre essence, votre nature profonde. Cela vous protégera de toute émotion négative suscitée par la perte, le vol, le bris ou autre altération de vos étiquettes.
Durée de fonctionnement : 52:02 min.

Volet 4 Méditation axée sur la gratitude (Gratitude Meditation) Cette forme de méditation vous aidera à être sensible à ce que vous possédez, et à développer l’habitude d’exprimer votre gratitude envers les choses matérielles et immatérielles de votre vie. Cette méditation vous aidera à vous concentrer sur ce que vous possédez plutôt que sur ce que vous n’avez pas. Ainsi, vous pourrez dissiper le désir apparemment insatiable d’obtenir des choses matérielles de meilleure qualité et en plus grande quantité, ce qui vous évitera la déception de ne pas les obtenir.
Durée de fonctionnement : 37:07 min.

Volet 5 - Méditation axée sur l’unité (Oneness Meditation) Cette forme de méditation vous apprendra à prendre conscience que vous ne faites qu’un avec l’Univers. Vous pourrez ainsi atténuer le sentiment de solitude, aimer vous retrouver seul avec vous-même et ressentir de la joie à rendre le monde meilleur. Vous connaîtrez la satisfaction d’aider les autres et vous commencerez à aimer ce que la vie a de meilleur et qui est absolument gratuit. Vous comprendrez que l’atteinte de la paix intérieure et du bonheur est directement proportionnelle à la quantité de paix et de bonheur que vous propagez autour de vous.
Durée de fonctionnement : 41:58 min.

Volet 6 – Méditation axée sur les mantras chantés (Chanting Meditation) Cette forme de méditation repose sur la puissance des mantras chantés. Elle vous aidera à canaliser les vibrations positives de façon à réduire la tension mentale, physique et émotionnelle profondément ancrée en vous, et à augmenter vos réserves d’énergie, de joie, de paix et de bonheur si essentielles à l’épanouissement total. Il n’est pas rare de ressentir un fourmillement de plaisir sur tout son corps après une séance revigorante de mantras chantés. 
Durée de fonctionnement : 44:56 min.

Volet 7 Méditation en mouvement (Meditation in Motion) Cette séance vous aidera à ressentir les bienfaits de la méditation alors que vous êtes en mouvement ou que vous pratiquez des activités comme la marche, la natation, un exercice physique, etc. Vous pourrez non seulement avoir davantage de plaisir à pratiquer ces activités, mais pourrez aussi en maximiser les bienfaits. Ce disque s’écoute à merveille pendant la marche ou le jogging.
Durée de fonctionnement : 42:39 min.

Volet 8 Méditation axée sur la conscience (Mindfulness Meditation)
Cette séance vous aidera à profiter de tous les bienfaits de la méditation pendant que vous accomplissez vos activités quotidiennes comme manger, écouter de la musique, jardiner, etc. Prendre pleinement conscience de l’acte de se nourrir vous procurera une meilleure acuité et vous fera savourer davantage le goût des aliments, tout en sachant vous arrêter de manger dès que vous êtes rassasié. Écouter de la musique en toute conscience vous fera aimer davantage vos chansons préférées, tout comme jardiner en toute conscience vous fera vous émerveiller des miracles de la nature.  
Durée de fonctionnement : 45:56 min.

Volet 9 Méditation axée sur la notion de passage (Journey Meditation)
Cette forme de méditation vous aidera à prendre conscience que la vie est un séjour et que vous n’êtes que de passage. La méditation vous aidera à devenir moins possessif et plus généreux, à vivre le moment présent, à vous affranchir du passé et à cesser de vous tracasser au sujet de l’avenir. Elle pourra aussi vous aider à freiner votre envie d’acheter impulsivement et à abandonner le recours au magasinage, à la frénésie alimentaire ou aux abus d’alcool comme moyens de réconfort quand vous n’avez pas le moral.
Durée de fonctionnement : 46:27 min.

Volet 10 Méditation axée sur le bien-être corporel (Body Scan Meditation) Cette forme de méditation vous aidera à puiser de l’énergie à même votre source vitale et à diriger cette énergie vers chacune des parties de votre corps. Vous sentirez la tension et le stress quitter tout votre corps, aurez une impression de rajeunissement et de relaxation totale, et ressentirez les effets d’une énergie débordante tout au long de la journée.
Durée de fonctionnement : 40:44 min.

Volet 11 Méditation axée sur l’amour et la bonté (Loving Kindness Meditation)
Cette forme de méditation vous aidera à vous concentrer sur le pouvoir de l’amour et sur la façon dont il peut être employé pour guérir les blessures émotives, et à réparer ou à améliorer les relations. Vous pourrez également analyser les diverses relations affectives peuplant votre vie, et déterminer s’il s’agit d’amour véritable; sinon, vous pourrez découvrir comment transformer ce sentiment en un amour vrai et durable.
Durée de fonctionnement : 51:42 min.

Volet 12 Méditation axée sur la guérison (Healing Meditation)
Cette forme de méditation vous aidera à renforcer votre système immunitaire en réduisant le stress que vous ressentez. Cela permettra à votre système immunitaire de mieux fonctionner, vous donnant ainsi une meilleure résistance aux maladies. Cette méditation vous enseignera comment utiliser vos cinq sens pour éveiller votre pharmacie intérieure qui, dans certains cas, vous soulage de plusieurs malaises, et ce, d’une manière qui n’entraîne aucun danger ni effet secondaire.
Durée de fonctionnement : 46:37 min.

What people are saying about The Essential Guided Meditation Series:

• “Your Meditation Program changed my life. I am a much stronger, happier, healthier, contented person than I was before meditation. Meditate everyday and block out the rest of the world and feel peace and happiness all the time.” - Sandra Wilson. Business Owner, Pickering, Canada.

• “I was able to quiet my mind by using the techniques that Malcolm taught. He has made a world of difference in my life. I have managed to bring down my stress level.” - Sophina James. Crown Attorney, Scarborough, Canada.

• “I learned a lot during the sessions. For me, meditation has made a big difference. After I finish meditating I feel like I've had a mini-vacation - very relaxed.” - Mary Davis, Oshawa, Canada.

• “The benefits from this program are exponential. We sleep much better, handle stress much better, and have an overall feeling of well being. Now we can't imagine our lives without it!”- Brent & Jean Foster, Toronto, Canada.

• "Meditation as important to a balanced life as exercise and proper nutrition. I function better in all aspects of my life, including relationships with my kids and wife, and at work, which can be very stressful." - Mike Stewart, Ajax, Canada.

• "By the third class, boom, my mind was quiet. Now I feel totally at peace and centred," Sonia Courtney, Ajax, Canada.

• "During the 4 1/2 years Malcolm has taught through Ajax's recreation department, the program has grown in popularity as people seek help for stress, anxiety and insomnia." - Audrey Head, Group Fitness Supervisor, Town of Ajax, Canada.

• "I have now listened to two of the CD's in Malcolm Gomes's 12-CD series "The Essential Guided Meditation Series" and am looking forward to listening to the next 10.

I have been meditating for well over 10 years now and the helpfulness of a guided meditation never diminishes. These CD's are more than guided meditations, however. Taken as a set, they could be considered template for a complete spiritual practice. Titles include "Breathing Meditation" "Forgiveness Meditation" "Oneness Meditation" "Bodyscan Meditation" "Healing Meditation" "Mindfulness Meditation" etc.

So far the two that I have spent time with are the "Healing" and Lovingkindess" CD's. Each starts with guiding you into a state of deep mindfulness and relaxation and then gently leads to a deep, inner, felt sense of 'healing' or 'loving'.

Malcolm's voice was a little disconcerting to me at first because he uses a kind of gentle sing-song tone of voice that draws out the syllables of the words he speaks. My friend who also listened to one of the CD's said it sounded at first like he was going to tell a story. The reasons for this are very evident- the gentle quality of his soothing voice blends perfectly with the other aspect of the CD's that is very important to point out and that is the gently melodic toning in the background. The toning assists with enhancing the relaxation state and the mind's receptivity to the message of the words. The result is a very deeply relaxing experience meant to lead you to a profound state of being related to the topic of the CD.

I have used these CD's both while sitting and while lying down. If you lie down you may well fall asleep. It will not matter as there is a hypnotic element to the CD's that will let you benefit from the healing and growing even as you are sleeping. In fact, if you have insomnia these CD's could be just the remedy for helping you relax and occupying your mind with helpful messages as opposed to the often negative chatter we often have going on inside. Each time I fell asleep listening to one of these, I had lovely, refreshing sleep and one time even a very beautiful healing dream.

I am heartily looking forward to spending time with the rest of the CD's in this set. As a long-time meditator, spiritual seeker and practitioner of several spiritual paths, I can comfortably tell you that this series will be compatible with your own path, deepen and enrich it, or get you started nicely on your own journey if you are new to meditation and spiritual practices.

His popularity is growing- you may also find them at your local public library. " - Jacqui Denomme, London Library, London, Canada

"When I opened myself up to learning the truly wise lessons of life, I  found no shortage of teachers, mentors, friends and valuable books, and I will be forever grateful for Malcolm Gomes and the meditation sessions he gives at the Ajax Community Centre, because those were pivotal to me, and finally helped me learn that living in the present moment is the only way to live. I thought that meditation was some freaky chanting thing for weirdos. Instead, I learned lessons and new ways of thinking that really should be taught in kindergarten. I wasted too many years with the wrong outlooks on life. Any anxiety I had, any stress-related conditions I had that were manifesting outwardly on my health, are long gone." - Judi Bobbitt

Please click on any of the following links to hear a 3-minute video clip of Malcolm Gomes, talking about how you can use meditation to get the most out of life:















Link to user feedback from Costco Members (taken from Costco website)


Rating:  5 out of 5


Location: Toronto, ON Date: April 16, 2010 FEATURED REVIEW

Best money I've ever spent

Pros: very easy to follow and practice everyday
Cons: i can't think of any.

"I tried quite a few meditation CDs over the past 5 years and none of them were authentic or fulfilling. I found most of them too commercial. The Essential Guided Meditation Series CDs (12 CDs)is different. It is not only totally authentic but also oriented to real-life situations. The techniques offered are geared towards everyday life, and just great for beginners as it is very simple and easy to follow and practice. I will always treasure this CD set.
It's the best money I've ever spent."

2 of 2 people found this review helpful.

Review 2 for The Essential Guided Meditation Series CDs
Rating:  5 out of 5


Location: St. John's, NL Date: February 10, 2011

Excellent CD Set
Pros: easy to do

"These CDs are amazing.

The guided CDs are perfect for a beginner, like myself. The voice is very soothing and relaxing. And the messages are great. I would recommend this set to anyone looking for meditation CDs."

Review 3 for The Essential Guided Meditation Series CDs
Rating:  5 out of 5


Location: Sudbury, Ontario

Date: September 13, 2010 Top 500 Contributor


Pros: soothing voice, peaceful relaxing music, awesome meditation topics
Cons: i'd love to see a weight loss and/or addictions cd

"This meditation series is so relaxing. I have a few other meditation cd's but this set is superior. He has a soothing voice, and the music is awesome. It brings about a calm relaxation in regards to some of life's challenges. Fantastic product. I highly recommend."

Review 4 for The Essential Guided Meditation Series CDs

Rating:  5 out of 5


Date: July 23, 2010

Great Series "Have found time with this wonderful series to unwind after a stressful day. Would recommend to anyone for pure relaxation."

Interesting article on meditation which appeared in The Globe and Mail.



We ship worldwide. Please send us your location for a shipping quote.

Payment can be made via PayPal (MasterCard, Visa or American Express), Draft, Money Order or Certified Cheque. Please contact us at info@meditationoncds.com for more details.

RETURN POLICY: Please note that we only accept a return of an order if we have shipped the wrong disc/s, or if the disc/s are defective, or broken during shipment. We only accept a return based on the conditions mentioned above, within 14 days of delivery. We will pay for the shipping cost of the replacement disc/s. Except in the case of defective or broken discs, all returned discs must be factory shrink wrapped sealed, never opened and in its original package. We do not accept requests for exchanging disc/s for other titles. If you are not satisfied with the handling of your order, please email info@meditationoncds.com. We will look into the matter to try and ensure your satisfaction.  Thank you for purchasing Meditation on CDs products.

Production Data:

Producer: Malcolm J. Gomes

Dates: February 25 – April 9, 2009

Recording Format: DXD (Digital Extreme Definition) 24-bit 352.8 kHz

Mixing, mastering and ambient soundtrack by Norm Sabourin for Aqua Sound Studios.

Special thanks to Keith Smith for artwork design and to Aramita for photography.

P & C: Meditation on CDs, Canada.

Produced and Marketed by ‘Meditation on CDs’, Canada. Tel: 905 426 2006.
Website: www.meditationoncds.com; Email: info@meditationoncds.com.

Distributed by:
Victory Multimedia
Sub Distributor for BAKER & TAYLOR INC.                                
460 Hindry Avenue, Unit D                         .
Inglewood , CA 90301
United States of America                                 
Tel: 310 590 1388  Fax: 310 590 1394       
